The tip of the iceberg

She never stops. Her persistence is legendary.

The stage is set once again for charter change.

The Supreme Court is about to be filled up with another batch of GMA appointees.

As a Sandiganbayan Justice puts it, the most important qualification required of an applicant nowadays is fierce loyalty to the First Couple.

Yes, not just loyalty but fierce loyalty. The vetting process takes off from that direction, he said.

Along this line, those who will get nominated are expected to be fiercely loyal to GMA. Nice thoughts, even when she’s out of office, she is still protected from possible prosecution.

The role of the Supreme Court is very significant.

As the highest court of the land, the Supreme Court is tasked to interpret doubtful provisions of the Constitution.

So the issue of joint voting or voting separately as a mode of changing the fundamental law of the land falls within the purview of the power of the Supreme Court.

Next year, the Supreme Court will be composed of GMA-appointed members. It is very difficult to imagine that these GMA-appointees will vote against the interests of GMA. If she wants an extension, the Justices may become liberal and generous too.

Aside from this, the Congress appears heading to a homerun for any Malacanang-directed political plan.

The House of Representatives has always been identified with Malacanang. The Speaker warms his seat at the behest of the President.

Rock the boat or refuse to toe the line and out you go. As simple as that.

The Senate is no longer viewed as an “independent” body. The ascension of Senator Juan Ponce Enrile as Senate President is a portent of the things to come.

He is known as a political ally of the president. Thru him, the president can work her “magic” against those senators of the realm who are “lukewarm” to her political plans. Never mind those who are against, they can be overwhelmed by the sheer number of “converts.”

She doesn’t have to convince all the senators, she can make her move against the majority.

As they say, the situation is ripe, very ripe for the picking.

* * *

In the province, talks are floating that the guv is going to reclaim the 2nd district congressional seat.

He’s got no other choice. He’s on his last term. Otherwise, he will be left out in the political cenakulo. When that happens, there will be a lot of adjusting to make.

But somebody told me it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The real scenario kuno is different.

The guv will file his certificate of candidacy for the 2nd district. Within the period allowed for substitution, son Aris will replace the guv kuno and presto, everything is set.

It is a given that when the guv files his certificate, nobody will dare challenge him. Otherwise, his opponent will just be playing Russian roulette with the chamber fully loaded. Everybody knows that the guv has the district lock, stock and barrel.

The scenario is that when the guv files, nobody will contest him. But at the last minute allowed for substitution, son Aris will substitute him.

Aris will run uncontested in the 2nd district congressional race. It is a foregone conclusion that he will become another “Adam Relson Jala.”

What becomes of the guv?

He has several options.

He can continue his political advocacy thru son Aris, just like Boy Jala does these days.

He can also resume his legal practice but this time, he’ll be choosy. He will only accept good cases, as in cases of “paying” clients.

Or he can retire peacefully and become a “farmer.” He has vast tracts of land in Ubay and elsewhere.

He can even follow the example of Joe Torralba. Trips to the US and some real estate businesses in between.

But all these options are not very pleasant to a workaholic like the guv. He is used to living on the fast lane. He has a coterie of reliable assistants, led by the indefatigable provincial administrator Tommy Abapo Jr.

I suppose the guv will get sick of boredom if he’s not doing anything that involves intensive mental and physical activities.

* * *

Who’s going to yield, Vice Governor Julius Caesar Herrera or Congressman Edgar Chatto?

Both are said to be aspiring for the seat that will be vacated by the guv noon of June 12, 2010.

Both are giants in the 1st district, though many are wont to believe that Edgar Chatto is unbeatable in the 1st district.

He has the district at the palm of his hand. He has poured in a terrific investment of time, money and resources every end of congressional session.

He has but a limited time to his family because he is a devoted legislator and leader. The moment he steps out of the plane in the city airport, he is already communicating with his constituents in the district. He is a hands-on leader who talks, deals and discusses issues with his leaders right in their own backyard.

Unlike other congressmen, he does not do a disappearing act every time there is a seminar, conference or any other junket in Manila.

The mayors can attest to this. The barangay officials can also do likewise.

Edgar Chatto is always available when the mayors or barangay officials are in Manila.

Unlike other congressmen, he is said to be generous in providing the wherewithal for some “entertainment” for the night like dinner, drinks and some other nocturnal “for-the-boys” activity.

This he does even to mayors or barangay officials who come from the other districts of the province.

This is what I consider as long-term political investment.

Those who have savored his generosity in the past would always remember that at one time, when the other congressmen have suddenly become unreachable in their cellphones, Edgar Chatto has made himself available.

And has generously shared his resources to make their nights in Manila “memorable,” whatever that means.

* * *

The vice guv is busy doing the rounds. He is open in his plans to aspire for the top position of the province in 2010.

He keeps saying his plan is cast in stone. He is not considering other positions but the governorship. He is firm in his political plans even with the possibility that he will clash swords with Edgar Chatto.

Right now, he is promoting his backyard gardening campaign.

Make use of your backyard to plant vegetables and other kitchen needs. Make use of readily available resources, instead of leaving idle this patch of land in the backyard.

Very basic, very simple and very effective in conveying his thoughts to the poor and the very poor.

* * *

But one observer says he who gets the support of the guv will eventually get the position.

Minus the support of the guv, the contender to the throne will have a terribly difficult time getting the votes in the 2nd district.

So who between Julius and Edgar is more likely to get the guv’s blessings?

If the guv’s wife will have her say on things, I doubt if Edgar Chatto will get a generous serving of the guv’s cake. There is still rancor in her heart.

If memory serves, the result of the last election where the guv got a beating in the 1st district, especially in Balilihan, still irritates the guv’s wife no end.

She is very open with her facial gestures when Edgar Chatto is around. That sort of “if-looks-could-kill” thing remains highly visible.

Does that mean Julius will have his generous serving then?

Probably, after all, the guv has promised him the position from way back when.

The guv was very open in 2004 to Calapenhons and to Julius when he said after me, it’s yours.

Of course, when he ran for reelection in 2007 and confronted about his promise to Julius, the grinning guv lamely said he did not say when.

There was no date kuno in his promise to Julius.

Can Julius expect the guv to finally make true his promise?

That remains to be seen.

* * *

That comic press secretary Jesus Dureza is both pathetic and disgraceful.

While praying at the start of a cabinet meeting last week, he prayed for the president and included in his prayer something about leading the country beyond 2010.

Faced with the media after the cabinet meeting, he kept on saying that the president was not angry, she did not scold him.

She even had a good laugh at it, he emphasized to the members of the press corps.

But later, he admitted the president was very angry. This time, he admitted his blunder. He goofed, he said.

See, even on the issue of praying, this comic guy could not muster enough sincerity.

What kind of press secretary is that?

More when we return, stay tuned for more!

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